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Showing posts from October, 2000


28/10/00- Waiting.... Still waiting for the motors and gearboxes. Another parcel did arrive today, an Optimate III battery charger, which seems to be putting a bit of life back into my sad old Steatites. I will post how efficiently it worked after I get round to testing. My students are keen to see one of the robots so I may take KC1 in before he's stripped down, his gears and chains are providing some reduction gearing for our swimmer Keeler Carrot. further comment...(26/4/02) The Optimate has proved a complete boon. It wasn't cheap, about £40, but it works well, if slowly. I believe there is also a version called the Accumate now, that can be switched to cover 6 volt batteries.

antweight world series

28/10/2000  After months of fiddling we finally took our baby for a scrap, at the Antweight World Series at Guilford University. For a full run down check out he comms section on the Dangerous machines website. Suffice to say, I was sick and suffering after a painful Judo injury, and the kids were a bit bored, but we had a successful morning. We had 3 fights and lost them all! But did manage to hurl another robot off the arena. We learnt a lot and new plans for more voltage (6v), smaller wheels with more grip, and a slightly more dangerous weapon are all underway. No photos as the digital camera was on strike and I foolishly left the normal camera behind. Check out the site for all antweight details. Offered my services to design a Tee shirt for the event, and there have been many suggestions. Here's the first draft, all comments and alternative designs welcome. I think either Pete Collier or Hairy Steve will be organising the thing.

bits and bobs

16/10/00-  bits and bobs Cylinder, valves and pipe-work have all arrived, I'm now waiting for some axles and motors from Roger Plant. Once all the gear is together The steel which is cluttering up the office can be mocked up to find the most effective chassis shape. I'm inclined to use some steel mesh for armour as I've become infatuated with dead Metal, and it's bizarre Mad Max looks, but I will still have some panels for the Carrots "face". Having trouble with regulators at present, the one I've got only does 2.5 bar which is nowhere near the pressure I'm hoping for, however BOC want £187 for a Co2 regulator. Today I also took delivery of an air chisel, only £9.99 from Northern Equipment, but reasonably rugged and capable of delivering 5000 blows per minute running at 90 psi, I'll test it in the workshops on Wednesday, but it looks to be a most cheap and effective weapon. Pictures to follow.